Top 8 Foods to Improve Your Sex Life


| Foods To Increase Libido

Eat raw garlic everyday to increase blood flow and stamina for improved sexual health. Iron-rich food (especially for women). Great sources of iron include spinach,mustard greens and red meat. Watermelon in 2008 research conducted, found that phytonutrients in watermelon may have viagra effect.

Dark chocolate consumption leads to release of serotonin and phenylethyla mine leading to aphrodisiac and mood enhancing effect. Include pumpkin seeds, rich in zinc, and selenium contain healthy fats to improve sexual health. Red ginseng restores normal well-being, balances hormones and relaxes muscles. Eat maca root as adaptogenic herb acts asan aphrodisiac to increase sexual desire. Consume saffron, from ancient times, has been used as a healer for erectile dysfunction.

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