Have you ever thought of buying land on moon is it legal


Have you ever thought of buying land on moon is it legal?

can anyone sell lands of moon if you have such questions in your mind stay.

Here you are  the outer space treaty formerly the treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space this treaty was introduced in 1967 and according to which no nation could claim their ownership on the moon and other celestial bodies this tree was first signed by united states the united kingdom and the soviet union on 27 January 1967.later

109 countries agreed on the terms of the treatyum this means nobody has right to sell any land on moon and any other planet the idea of selling land of the moon and other celestial bodies came in the mind of u.s citizen named Dennis hope in 1980 Dennis hope went to his local U.S governmental office for claim registries the San Francisco county seat and made a claim for the entire lunar surface as well as the surface of all the other eight planets of our solar system and their moons except earth in the sun.

which was accepted then as hope then wrote a letter to the general assembly of the United Nations and the Russian government documenting his claim and the legal intent to sell extraterrestrial properties to sell property on the moon to sell land on planet mars the U.S government had several years to contest such a claim which they never did neither did the United Nations nor the Russian government this allowed MR. hope to take the next step in copyright his work with the U.S copyright registry office so with his claim and copyright registration certificate from the U.S government in hand MR. hope became what is probably the largest landowner on the planet.

Today since then the lunar embassy has sold more than 611 million acres of land on the moon as well as properties on Mars Venus Mercury and io Dennis hope found the loophole in the space treaty and got the entire celestial bodies registered on his name now that you have understood how this man is selling land of various celestial bodies let’s come to our next question is this legit the answer is no still people are buying you can consider these purchases as honorary ones or just a gesture property on the moon has even been bought by three former U.S presidents George .w bush Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan and over 675 well-known celebrities now we come to the most important question .

why people are interested in buying these land with depth leading resources on our planet various space agencies and some private companies are exploring for valuable resources in space may be in future we come up with technology that could allow to perform space mining activities profitably Nasa funded asteroid mining research the colorado school of mines offered an asteroid mining degree program very soon

U.N will have to come up with new space treaty and update the existing outdated treaty that is almost 52 years old the race to the riches of asteroids is on with several private companies vying for funding to become the first space miners legally nobody can own an asteroid but the us space act of 2015 allows companies to wing the materials they mine from bodies in space these celestial bodies have trillions of dollar valuable resources in them space the first trillionaires will be those who mine asteroids asteroids the resources of the solar system while you’re mining it maybe we there’s an asteroid out there that has our name on it we ask you could you please deflect that for us and the governments get together and pay for the company that’s already mining it to deflect.

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