how to Earn $10 Every 20 Minutes Online


I’m going to tell you exactly how you can earn ten dollars every 20 minutes online alright so listen fast and easy PayPal money okay so listen closely and I’m going to tell you step-by-step how you can earn ten dollars every 20 minutes online right now

this is the website okay let’s dive straight into it this is called beta testing calmand when you reach her you can click on join as beta tester in the top right corner. but wait wait don’t click don’t go there yet okay I’m gonna take you through I’m going to introduce you and I’m going to show you step by step alright so listen pay close attention if you actually want to find out how you can earn 10 dollars through PayPal

okay and you’ll get paid pretty fast so listen closely so this is basically a website where people can actually test okay the average consumer all right so look early adopters join the beta testing beta tester community so you will get paid hey which is why you’re here which is why you’re reading this article you are here to make money and you’re going to get paid by giving your valuable feedback for new apps that’s right we can not only make money with your phone

I mean you can make money of your phone right apps or websites . that means using your laptop your computer and products okay so you sign up you put in your email address and you can sign up okay that’s basically it so now let’s go through how it works we are gonna join 100,000 plus early adopters step

one you test new apps websites and hardware step two you complete the task and you give your feedback okay simple step three you are going to earn $10.00per test or more okay if you check out the FAQ you’ll realize that it could be between 10 or even 15 US dollars okay so look here’s some proof okay of the legitimacy of beta testing so look we can beta test new exciting products from companies like Xerox type form alright so I’m pretty sure you recognize these companies the New York Times musically clef group ember light now let’s go through some frequently asked questions

so that you do not have to okay let’s save you some time let me go through this so who is eligible to participate so you must be at least 18 years old all right hey then you must be able to speak and write fluently in English but of course if you are reading this article to this point and obviously you understand English then you must own a PC or a Mac or any devices required for the specific task so it’s an ad now of course you would usually need a phone right how much money can you make now listen beta testing is a fun way hey let me zoom in so beta testing is a fun way for you to make a few dollars on a site and help impact product development for exciting new products

so you are going to get paid to give feedback for new products sounds fair isn’t it but this isn’t meant to actually replace a job hey so of course you are still going to earn$10.00 per 20 minutes okay that isn’t going to change you are still going to make people money but pay close attention the number of tests you receive depends on how many clients matched your interest and your demographic okay so and also this depends on the quality of your feed back history right if they give you a few tests and you’re like you didn’t do very well if you didn’t give your 100% into giving your opinion and we just write some half a foot if you didn’t put in your full effort when you actually give your feedback then guess what the product the website they are going to give you a better rating and guess what will happen next you will receive as many feed backs in the future all right so listen this isn’t some kind of get rich quick scheme you may receive anywhere from zero to five opportunities each month

so this is still a great way for you to earn some site in comfort to increase your income and you can do this any time okay all right you don’t have to quit your job to do this you can do this over the weekends you can do this over the night okay in the evening when you’re back home from work or even if you are still a student okay externally start eighteen years old and above you can use this method alright so what’s our excuse are you going to leave a comments and just back for someone else to tell you that this works all right how about use your initiative going google it going google going google and find out look are going check out kora

check out ready ain’t going google and find out if anyone meet money on the internet all right find out whether people have been paid or testing websites do your work going google okay don’t leave comments and asking people to spoof it you that the world does about this way all right you can’t leave a comment and just back for someone to tell you that look this works okay that is never going to happen if you if you want to take action take action and go ahead make their money other wise then don’t even try okay because look you have to actually take action alright if you are just watching you tube videos after you tube videos you can watch them for three months you can watch you tube videos for six months i guarantee you you won’t make any money because you don’t take action you are just jumping from you tube videos to you tube videos and you’re just commenting saying things like now this work look you didn’t even take any action of cost you never work you have to take action a lright sitting around watching you tube videos will never change your life alright you have to take action and look all these videos are free so if you are not going to implement if you’re not going to put in any effort on your end of course nothing is going to happen hey you can watch 20 other you tube channels you can watch 100 youtube videos

you can as many YouTube videos as you want nothing is going to change alright now look if you are not sure whether this strategy is suitable for you if you are having any doubts if your if you are cynical okay if you have any questions going googly checked out ready ch eck out Korra check out YouTube and you’ll find plenty of information don’tbe lazy and write some very simple comments and very very low-level type of comments asking people to spoon-feed you that will never happen all right so listen moving on to how payments are made payments are made via PayPal seven days after the end of a project so that is fair is it look they want to make sure that the quality of your feedback is there before they pay you so some of this is extremely reasonable .

you can see if you think about it if you work in a copper drop nine to five jobs they are not going to pay you every seven days they will basically pay you once every month then you pay you once every thirty days isn’t it so this is actually kind of fair if you really think about it so you will get paid via PayPal every seven days after the end of the project so make sure you actually put in the effort when it comes to testing key give your honest and valuable feedback and and that’s basically it okay so this will allow the product owners each time to review rates and a proof of feedback all right so that’s basically all there is to it this website is called .

check it out click on the top right corner you can join as a beta tester and again if you are very cynical if you have any doubts and if you are very skeptical then you have to take the initiative you have to learn to become a learning machine okay you have to learn how to use Google and go to youtube and you do research on your own all right got to go one step further if you are just like everyone else just putting very low level comments you won’t go very far alright because YouTube can only take you that far alright you can’t just keep watching YouTube videos you have to take action

Hey so even if there’s twenty thousand strategies right now in your face and there are there are so many strategies out there but if you are not going to actually try if you don’t even take action if you don’t have any skin in the game again nothing will ever change alright then that’s basically it all right so look this method is awesome if you wanna get a taste making money online if you want to make some extra money on the line this is a great method if you are interested in more strategies you can check out my y outube videos okay check out other videos I have videos about drop shipping new Shopify he can drop ship up to six figures and above plenty of people are doing it and there are so many other ways to make money online so go and do your own research and YouTube is free okay so what is stopping you from making money online now listen if you’re interested i n making a full-time income check out my number one recommendation my number one recommendation in the description down below alright you’ll be the first hing in the description alright if you enjoyed this video remember scroll down go and click on the red subscribe button down below and once you subscribe click on the little bell icon okay turn on notifications so that when I upload new videos you will be notified all right so once you have done that and it by the way if you enjoy this video if you love this content go ahead drop a like alright then hit the thumbs up button to let me know that you liked this .

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