
Learning medicine is hard work!

Osmosis makes it easy. Despite being surrounded by the danger of our own cells turning into harmful microorganisms, toxins, and tumor cells, the human manages to survive; Thanks largely to our immune system. The immune system is made up of organs, tissues, cells, and molecules, all of which together create an immune response that protects us from microorganisms, removes toxins, and destroys tumor cells – hopefully, all Not at once! The immune response can identify a threat, mount an attack, eliminate a pathogen, and if you encounter it again, develop mechanisms to remember it –
All within 10 days. In some cases, such as if the pathogen is particularly stubborn or if the immune system starts attacking something, it should not be like your own tissue, it can last for a very long time, months, and this Chronic inflammation may occur.


Your immune system is like an army –

With two main branches, the innate immune response and the adaptive immune response. The innate immune response involves cells that are non-specific, meaning that although they differentiate one attacker from one human cell, they do not differentiate one attacker from another attacker. A spontaneous reaction is also rapid fever- working within minutes to hours. pick him up? “Fever” – This is the reason that it is responsible for causing fever. The trade-off for that speed is that there is no memory associated with innate responses.

In other words, the innate response will react to the same pathogen in exactly the same way, regardless of how often it seems the pathogen.

The innate immune response includes things you might not even think of being part of the immune system. Things like chemical barriers, such as lysozyme in tears and low pH in the stomach, as well as physical barriers like epithelium in the skin and intestine, and cilia that line the airways to keep out invaders. In contrast, the adaptive immune response is highly specific for each attacker. Adaptive immune response cells have receptors that differentiate a pathogen by its unique parts – called antigens.

These receptors can differentiate between friendly bacteria and potentially lethal ones. The trade-off is that the adaptive response depends on the cells being primed or activated, so they can completely differentiate into the right type of fighter to kill that pathogen, and it may take a few weeks. But the great advantage of the adaptive immune response is immunological memory. Cells that are activated in an adaptive immune response undergo clonal expansion meaning that they proliferate widely.

And each time the adaptive cells see the same pathogen, they again propagate extensively, resulting in a stronger and faster response, which comes around the pathogen. Once the pathogen is destroyed, most of the cloned cells die, known as clonal deletion. But some cloned elaborate cells remain as memory cells and they are ready to expand once more to revive that pathogen. Now, it’s time to meet the soldiers – which are white blood cells or leukocytes. Hematopoiesis is the process of forming white blood cells, as well as red blood cells, and platelets, and occurs in the bone marrow.

Hematopoiesis begins with a polyandrous hematopoietic stem cell that can develop into different cell types – this future is inconclusive. Some myeloid progenitors become cells, while others become lymphoid progenitor cells. Myeloid progenitor cells develop into myeloid cells, including neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, mast cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, and monocytes, all of which are part of the innate immune response and can be found in the blood as well as tissues.
Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells are considered granulocytes, because they have granules in the cytoplasm, and a trio of neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils are also called polymorphonuclear cells, or PMNs, because they have nuclei that have multiple lobes.

Instead of being round. Mast cells are not considered PMNs because their nuclei are round. During an immune response, the bone marrow produces a lot of PMNs, most of which are neutrophils. Neutrophils use a process known as phagocytosis – where they approach a pathogen and surround it with their cytoplasm to “swallow” it so that it ends up in a phagosome.
From there, neutrophils can destroy the pathogen using two methods – they can use their cytoplasmic granules or oxidative burst. First, cytoplasmic granules from polysomes with phagosomes. The granules contain molecules that lower the pH of the phagolysosome, making it very acidic

And it kills about 2% of the pathogens. Now, neutrophils do not stop there. it keeps

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