Beauty secerets in your kitchen

beauty tips

Today our setting is a little bit different. That’s because, I don’t know if you can hear it in my voice, but I’m a little bit sick. So I wanted to stay away from the cooking and away from the kitchen today. Instead, I’m going to tell you 5 Arab beauty secrets that you can find in your kitchen. Number

1. Rose water. Rose water can be found next to the orange blossom water in you local Arab store, or online. So for me, after washing my face, morning or night or whenever my face needs a quick refresher. I’ll just spray my entire face. And then I let the water dry on my face. You can also soak a cotton pad in some rosewater and tone your face that way. Rose water helps sore throats. It hydrates skin. It is a natural anti-aging, calming toner. It calms your face; the smell calms your mood. And it has lots of anti-oxidants. If you really love the smell and you want to eat it — because you can. Next time you make a dessert or a drink or an iced tea or any kind of lemonade you can always just add a teaspoon of rose water and just mix it up.

Number 2! We have sugar wax. So, sugar waxing is very popular now, which I find hilarious because we used to do it when we were.. way back when. Ah m, it used to come in this little plastic container and you take it out, you put it in the microwave and then you melt it and it becomes nice and elastic. Well, I have a recipe for you if you want to make this kind of sugar wax at home, if you so choose to sugar wax.

I think it is the most safe and most effective way to do hair removal. While hair is not a bad thing on your body. It’s there for a reason: it’s supposed to protect your skin. If you do want a recipe for my sugar wax,go ahead and comment below. Essentially it is a mixture of sugar, lemon and water, boiled to the correct temperature and correct consistency. If you’ve never done it, I suggest you go ahead and try. If you make the wax and put it all over your body and then freak out and don’t want to pull it back, you can always just wash it off. Nothing is gonna happen.

Number 3. While you may not have this in your kitchen,I definitely have it in mine. And it is just the place where I store my henna. Henna is AMAZING, amazing. I LOVE THIS STUFF. As you can tell it’s a green powder. It aids in hair growth. It makes your hair healthy, soft, voluminous. If definitely conditions your hair and it treats any dandruff problems. I also have a recipe for henna, if you wanted to dye your hair. Keep in mind that if you ever color your hair with henna your hair will only turn out red. Depending on your hair shade, it’s going to dye your hair red. If your hair is very dark it will come out more of an eggplant.

If you hair is brown it’s going to come out more of an auburn. And if you are blond, you might come out orange or bright red.

Number 4. Yup, you knew this one was going to come in. OLIVE OIL! I actually have four different olive oil brands/species…can you say species? I have four different kinds of olive oil in my house and, yes, I use all of them for different reasons. Olive oil is genius. It was actually mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. It is a health remedy for basically anything.   BUT I know that olive oil works as a remedy for basically anything. It lowers the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke. It is a healthy fat. It has pain relief, anti-aging and it is a great hair mask. A great way to use olive oil is for your hair and your scalp. Massage enough olive oil into your scalp and leave it there for about an hour before you take your shower as a natural conditioner. Also, sometimes, I will put one drop of olive oil in my hand and rub my hands together and just use the olive oil as a moisturizer for my face. Like I said before, it has great anti-aging properties and it will help your skin.

Number 5 is turmeric. It’s this lovely orange spice used in a lo tof Mediterranean and Indian cuisine. Besides eating this which will help in weight loss, cancer prevention, eye health, and many other benefits I was not going to list all of them because the list is waaaaay too long. You can also mix this with some yogurt. And use it on your face as a face mask. Using it as a face mask will give you lots of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits. The  active ingredient in turmeric  called curcumin. And that’s what’s going to give you all the health benefits that you desire of course. That’s why you’re reading this ,want to know how to find amazing and natural health / beauty remedies. DISCLAIMER. OKAY, everybody out there. I am not a doctor. Please, if you have any kind of health problems do not use my video as medicine for your health problems. Go see a doctor. Get things sorted out. These are just natural ways for you to keep healthy inside and outside. Please remember to like, comment, subscribe! Share with all of your friends, let them know about these beauty secrets. And I will see you next week. [spray] It smells sooooo good.

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