AMAZING14 Fun Facts About Girls That Are Totally True


Girls are just amazing.

make you laugh and will tell you everything So without any further delay let’s check out amazing facts about girls

Number 1 Girls do not want an honest answer to the question – HOW AM I LOOKING

Number 2 Girls are more likely to say “I’m sorry” because they are more likely to think they have done something wrong

Number 3 Girls may have lots of crushes but their hearts belong to only one special guy

Number 4 Girls often fall in love with that person who is too much funny

Number5 Girls love to feel special even though they might not show it

Number6 Girls enjoy talking about what they feel

Number 7 Girls often take decisions on the basis of emotions rather than going by logic

Number 8 Cleanliness is one thing that you can mark when a girl is around. This trait is found in almost every girls

Number 9 It impresses girls if somebody asks them for an advice

Number 10 Even if a girl is in a relationship, she likes to be chased by other guys Number

11 Girls always want dessert. Even though they may tell you that they are on a diet or watching their diet, they secretly want dessert

Number 12 Girls always carry around big purse full of stuff never in use believing that one day they might need it right there.

Number 13 Girls always have nothing to wear, even if their closet is overloaded with stuff

Number 14 Girls will pretend that they need help in order to get you to do things for them Not only does this make you feel better about yourself but you are doing something that they do not want to do themselves If you are a girl, tell us how many facts are true by commenting below.

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